Seeing these shoes on the market, I expected something exceptional. The design quite attracted me and I thought that the shoes will offer an exceptional…
Despite not being a big fan of trail running shoes, I sometimes simply like to exchange the terrain and instead of comfortable park roads go…
Elegant, stylish, high quality… the first three things that popped up in my head when seeing these sci-fi looking shoes for the first time. And…
Before trying these beauties for real, it took me almost half a year to make up my mind and finally purchase them from Amazon. Why…
It was hard for me to believe it is possible to kill two birds with one stone and get perfectly comfortable shoes for every-day wearing…
If you are searching for a pair of ultimately lightweight running shoes and don´t mind a bit of experimenting, you should definitely try Reebok Liquid…
According to Adidas company, Adidas Edge Lux are shoes for runners, specifically for women. In my own opinion, it is just a shoe that offers…
Ups and downs of the running shoes… that´s logically what everyone is mostly concerned about when deciding what to invest in. Everyone wants perfect cushioning,…
As most of runners, I also really hate winter. Plenty of rain showers with unpleasant wind and temperatures dropping to zero degrees. Those are the…
This year in July, Nike entered the world market of running shoes in a really big style when introduced its new Nike Zoom Pegasus 35…